By JD Heyes
Democrats’ bogus “Trump-Russia collusion” now FALLING APART, so the NY Times is trying to CHANGE the narrative
If you still believe that the so-called “mainstream media” isn’t completely in cahoots with the Democratic Party, this should convince you otherwise. You may recall that the “paper of record” was all over the “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative early last year, filing several “bombshell” reports claiming that various members of President Donald J. Trump’s campaign, as […]
By D. Samuelson
Associated Press caught in fake news, retracts false claim that 17 intelligence agencies agree on Russian “interference”
All those lies about little green cyber Russians invading black voting boxes to sabotage the U.S. presidential election has had one crack exposed, according to Breitbart, who reports that the Associated Press (AP) has written a retraction concerning those 17 agencies who supposedly agreed that pesky Putin and friends had been busy usurping America. The AP printed this falsehood four times: April 6, June 2, June 26 and […]
By Ethan Huff
Every person labeled a “conspiracy theorist” for declaring CNN to be fake news was just completely vindicated
Well, the verdict is in, and it doesn’t bode well for mainstream media outlets like CNN that basically invented the false narrative and ran with it. It’s the claim that President Trump and his administration have direct ties to Russia, a completely made-up lie that’s officially been exposed as such, leading to three (and possibly […]
By Mike Adams
Mainstream media flushes last shred of credibility down the toilet with FAKE NEWS MARATHON over James Comey and Donald Trump
All the mainstream media news you’ve been seeing over the past few days about James Comey and the FBI has been nothing but an organized fake news marathon by the kings of fake news, the mainstream media. As explained by Susan Duclos of All News Pipeline: The establishment media aka the MSM appears to be […]
By News Editors
NYT’s “Tinfoil Hat” conspiracy theory
By Robert Parry, the investigative reporter who many of the iran-contra stories for the associated press and newsweek in the 1980s originally published at Parry’s Consortious News ( Article by Robert Parry from ) There are real reasons to worry about President Donald Trump’s foreign policy, including his casual belligerence toward Iran and North Korea […]
By Natural News Editors
FACT CHECK: So-called “Muslim ban” doesn’t even effect 87% of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslim population
Eighty-seven percent of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims are not affected by President Donald Trump’s Friday decision to temporarily withhold visas from citizens of seven Middle Eastern countries. Approximately thirteen percent of the world’s Muslims, or 199.4 million out of up to 1.6 billion, live in those seven countries, according to a 2015 Pew Research Report, […]
By Natural News Editors
Fake news: Mainstream media already caught reporting 3 lies on President Trump’s first day
The mainstream media lost no time in attempting to undermine President Donald Trump, as opposed to actually reporting information. (Article by Joel B. Pollak from After eight years of kowtowing to Obama, they have suddenly discovered a civic responsibility to hold the government accountable. But they are focusing on minutiae, and in some cases actually […]
By Natural News Editors
The top 10 Trump myths
Fake news site Buzzfeed just published a fake news story that is so fake, it’s not even fake news. “It’s just fake,” as Kellyanne Conway put it. The editor of Buzzfeed himself says he has “serious reason to doubt the allegations in it,” but he published it anyway because this is “how we see the […]
By News Editors
Mainstream media corporations spark ‘fake news’ battle turning on each other
Thanks to CNN and BuzzFeed, a war now rages among corporate media outlets, a true study in irony, as the New York Times and Guardian hurl accusations the two outlets are guilty of publishing Fake News — the same Fake News all of the aforementioned have cited in unabashed attempts to discredit legitimate alternative media. […]
By News Editors
BuzzFeed’s shameless, fact-less Trump report takes ‘fake news’ to a whole new level
So the website BuzzFeed decided to publish a series of memos that have been floating around for months alleging all kinds of terrible things about Donald Trump. (Article by John Podhoretz, republished from (Find more examples of fake news at Some of those terrible allegations have to do with efforts to influence the […]
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