By JD Heyes
MSNBC crank Joy Reid and her network may be in trouble if they filed false FBI report over “hacked” homophobic blog posts: Analysis
Like her or be disgusted by her, MSNBC host Joy Reid is lucky she lives in a country that allows her to voice her opinions — no matter how ill-informed — about President Donald J. Trump, Republicans and conservatives in general, and anyone else who happens to disagree with her. But like every other American […]
By Robert Jonathan
FAKE hate crimes galore: Muslim girl fabricated claim of being attacked for her religion, police now confirm; faces charges
An alleged hate crime in suburban Washington, D.C., that made national headlines apparently has turned out to be a hoax. A 13-year-old girl in Woodbridge, Va., claimed that a man confronted her on the street earlier this month, brandished a knife. He pulled off her hijab and covered her mouth with his hand to prevent her from summoning help. The assailant […]
By JD Heyes
Schwarzenegger vows to “terminate” oil companies with lawsuits after accusing them of “first-degree murder” for causing climate change
Hollywood mega-star and former governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger used to drive a gas-guzzling Hummer and was criticized in 2008 for using a private jet almost daily to commute from his Brentwood home to his office in Sacramento. But that was then. Today, the former professional bodybuilding champion is a champion of global warming and […]
By JD Heyes
Elizabeth “Fauxcohontas” Warren challenged to take a DNA test to prove her Native American heritage, but of course she refused
For years Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has been dogged by criticism over her unsubstantiated claims that she’s got Native American blood. The issue came up during her 2012 race against Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts, when the incumbent Republican challenged her self-proclaimed Cherokee Indian heritage which he said she used to get ahead at various […]
By Ethan Huff
“Gorilla channel” hoax demonstrates how quickly Trump-hating Leftists will believe any stupid thing (and share it with their stupid friends)
Many of the same folks who relentlessly mocked Trump supporters for supposedly being too dumb to identify alleged “fake news” are looking pretty stupid themselves right now. That’s because they fell for actual fake news in the form of a satire tweet recently put up by the comedy-based Twitter account @PixelatedBoat, which made a joke […]
By JD Heyes
Al Gore’s climate change predictions IMPLODE as everybody realizes the North Pole didn’t completely melt
For some people, it doesn’t matter how often former Vice President Al Gore has been wrong in his dire predictions of planetary demise, thanks to human-caused “global warming” and “climate change.” They’ll believe him no matter what, until the day they die (from natural causes, of course, not from planetary demise due to “global warming” […]
By hoaxnews
Faking minority heritage becoming the new academic past time
Dartmouth College in New Hampshire has joined the latest list of academic institutes to appoint a department head based on faked minority heritage, as Susan Taffe Reed falsely claimed to be part of the “Eastern Delaware Nations” (EDN) to justify her right to lead their Native American Program. This first came to light after Native American activists […]
By hoaxnews
Immigration con job: Little girl running to Pope staged for publicity
Hearts stopped around the country as Pope Francis kissed a 5-year-old little girl named Sophie Cruz, who bravely ran through Francis’ security line during his Los Angeles parade, but it now has come to light that this was not as genial as we had once thought. It turns out the entire event was planned a year ahead […]
By hoaxnews
Bill Maher was right about Ahmed’s clock: Doubles down on political incorrectness
In a follow up to what was considered at the time to be fringe and borderline racist commentary, Bill Maher highlights once more the ridiculousness surrounding the whole Mohammad Ahmed clock story, and how he was absolutely right in his assertion that the clock looked liked a bomb. Though the Islamic activist group CAIR and […]
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