Russian collusion
By JD Heyes
Mueller continues to ignore REAL “collusion” with Russia committed by the Hillary Clinton campaign; where is Jeff Sessions?
Nearly one year into his investigation of alleged “collusion” between the campaign of President Donald J. Trump and Russia, special counsel Robert Mueller has found no evidence to support the allegations. Not that ‘collusion’ would have been a crime anyway, mind you. It isn’t, at least not in any sense that the term applies to […]
By JD Heyes
Here’s proof that the Democrats are HELPING Russia undermine our political system and national security just to “get Trump”
I’ve not been a big fan of The New York Times’ coverage of President Donald J. Trump because I feel like the paper has gone out of its way to portray him in as negative a light as possible, even to the extent of publishing no small amount of fake news regarding the president and […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats’ bogus “Trump-Russia collusion” now FALLING APART, so the NY Times is trying to CHANGE the narrative
If you still believe that the so-called “mainstream media” isn’t completely in cahoots with the Democratic Party, this should convince you otherwise. You may recall that the “paper of record” was all over the “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative early last year, filing several “bombshell” reports claiming that various members of President Donald J. Trump’s campaign, as […]
By JD Heyes
Dershowitz: Anti-Trump FBI agent who investigated Michael Flynn should be “severely punished”
The more we learn about the “Trump-Russia collusion” hoax and why Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for her very prosecutable offense of criminally mishandling classified information, the more we understand just how corrupt, politicized and pervasive the “deep state” swamp in D.C. has become. The latest iteration of this process pertains to FBI counterintelligence investigator […]
By JD Heyes
ANOTHER mainstream media Trump-Russia collusion “bombshell” just fell apart
For a while, just about every “mainstream” media outlet that has a news bureau in Washington, D.C., was reporting one “bombshell” after another regarding allegations that President Donald J. Trump’s campaign “colluded” with the Russians to “steal” the election from Hillary Clinton. Even Clinton thinks so, as “the Russians” were on her long list of […]
By JD Heyes
Trump son-in-law Kushner to Congress and the Deep State: Russian “collusion” is completely BOGUS
While Americans continue to suffer under the tyranny and economic depravity of Obamacare and corporations continue to pay much more than their “fair share” in profits to the most wasteful entity on planet earth — the U.S. government — lawmakers remain much more interested in chasing Russian ghosts. The “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative that has been […]
By JD Heyes
Four ways U.S. intelligence reporting on “Trump-Russia collusion” is extremely deceptive
Ever since the November election the Deep State has been attempting to ‘sell’ the American public on the notion that Donald J. Trump and his campaign team somehow “colluded” with Russia to undermine the election and “steal” it from Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Why? Because Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to win, of […]
By JD Heyes
Wing nut: Hillary NOW claiming Trump’s “shoestring” campaign operations were vital to “The Russians” so they could meddle in election
When the excuse put forth by Hillary Clinton and her Democratic Party that the “Russians hacked the election” in favor of Donald J. Trump didn’t pan out and gain much traction with the public, they changed the narrative to, “Russia and Trump colluded to ‘steal the election’” from Hillary. Now that the current narrative is […]
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