Russia collusion
By Mike Adams
Lying left-wing media in total PANIC as deep state conspiracy against Trump unravels
The lying left-wing media is in a total panic over the collapse of the Russia collusion narrative. Even worse (for them), the media has been complicit in the conspiracy to overthrow the election and fraudulently frame President Trump for totally made-up “crimes” that never happened. Now, the entire house of cards is unraveling by the […]
By Mike Adams
JOURNO-TERRORISM: CNN stalks elderly woman, “doxxes” her on live broadcast, accuses of being a Russian puppet… wave of threats ensues
In 2016, I coined the term “journo-terrorism” to describe the fear-based deranged “journalism” being practiced by out-of-control left-wing news propagandists like CNN. Today, CNN just confirmed they are the leader in journo-terrorism by stalking an elderly woman in her own front yard, “doxxing” her on a live broadcast, and accusing her of being a Russian […]
By Mike Adams
Slate, Yahoo News, NYT, WashPost, Mother Jones, CNN and The Atlantic all named as willing co-conspirators in deep state #RussiaGate propaganda plot
If you’re been reading this site for very long, you’re already well aware that the so-called “mainstream media” functions as pawns of the deep state, catapulting propaganda on command, blacking out news stories they don’t want you to see, and fabricating false “sources” to justify fictitious stories that achieve a political agenda. Some of the […]
By Mike Adams
CNN caught in the most epic FAKE NEWS fail we’ve seen yet… and they still refuse to fully retract their blatant lie
If you hope to understand what’s actually happening in the world around you — and why half the country seems so chronically misinformed and delusional — you must know the details of what just happened at CNN on Friday. CNN was just caught in the most epic fake news fail we’ve ever witnessed, pushing out […]
By JD Heyes
Here’s proof that 91 percent of DEMOCRATS are clueless dupes because all they watch and read is FAKE news
As we have regularly documented on this site, the so-called “mainstream media” is replete with hucksters, frauds, liars, and phonies. In fact, truth be told, the vast majority of establishment media types are little more than far-Left hacks and shills for the Democratic Party. That helps explain a rather remarkable finding in a recently-conducted survey […]
By JD Heyes
Does it even matter whether Donald Trump Jr. met with someone purporting to be a “Russian government lawyer?” Not at all
Okay, so we’ll admit that the evidence, such as it is, against Donald Trump Jr.’s supposed “Russia collusion” is pretty damning, if you take it at face value and you don’t bother to look into the story any further. Reporting by The New York Times, once again using leaked information that is no doubt illegal, […]
By Mike Adams
CNN credibility collapses under weight of fake news scandal… “no longer a news organization”
Fake news network CNN is reeling under a massive scandal involving three top-level CNN journalists — including one Pulitzer Prize-winning editor — who got caught fabricating completely fake news accusing a Trump associate of collusion with Russia. “That article — like so much Russia reporting from the U.S. media — was based on a single […]
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