climate science
By Ralph Flores
Counterthink video: Mike Adams interviews Marc Morano on the greatest “science” hoax of our time: climate change
There are a lot of factors that regulate climate, but according to former Republican aide Marc Morano of Climate Depot, climate change isn’t one of them. He explained that climate change is nothing but an idea peddled and ingrained by the United Nations (U.N.), the mainstream media, and “climate advocates” – like Al Gore – to the minds of unsuspecting […]
By Vicki Batts
“Climate change” hoax starting to crumble as scientists admit doom projections were totally wrong
Climate change has been presented as an irrefutable fact; a happening that cannot be ignored, with even the slightest change in weather being named a harbinger of imminent disaster. But the truth is that the notion of global warming has always been up for debate — and new science continues to show that the world […]
By JD Heyes
New “politically incorrect” climate change book sells out everywhere; “point-by-point take down” of global warming nonsense
Proving once again that the Left’s claims about human-caused “climate change” and “global warming” are anything but universal, a new book disputing their progressive nonsense has shot to number one on bestseller lists while selling out all over the place. The appropriately named tome, “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” by Marc Morano, has […]
By JD Heyes
Al Gore’s climate change predictions IMPLODE as everybody realizes the North Pole didn’t completely melt
For some people, it doesn’t matter how often former Vice President Al Gore has been wrong in his dire predictions of planetary demise, thanks to human-caused “global warming” and “climate change.” They’ll believe him no matter what, until the day they die (from natural causes, of course, not from planetary demise due to “global warming” […]
By Lance D Johnson
Over 31,000 scientists say global warming is a total hoax; now they’re speaking out against junk science
Over 31,000 scientists have united against the political agenda of global warming. The scientific consensus, which includes over 9,000 scientists with Ph.D.s, supports the necessity of carbon dioxide and sheds light on the agenda of global warming, which includes industrial energy rationing, central economic planning, and global taxation schemes. These scientists are now speaking out against the hoax […]
By Ethan Huff
Arctic science expedition ship gets stranded in too much ice, so university scientists blame “climate change” … now it’s too MUCH ice!
First, it was global warming. When that didn’t pan out, it morphed into climate change, though still with an emphasis on rising temperatures that would supposedly one day melt the polar ice caps and flood the world’s coastal areas. Now, there’s a new twist on climate change that emphasizes cooling because apparently in some areas […]
By JD Heyes
New analysis of global temperatures over several centuries finds the Earth would have warmed the SAME amount even without industrialization
The Alt-Left has convinced itself and as many people as possible that because human beings dared to modernize, we are responsible for a “warming” trend that is destroying our planet. As country after country began to industrialize, the theory goes, the resulting burning of fossil fuels has created a “greenhouse gas” effect that has led […]
By Robert Jonathan
Doomsday climate change scare tactics now claiming coastal people will DROWN to death from sudden ocean level rise
A new study suggests that extreme sea levels pose a danger to millions of people around the world and that the phenomenon will occur more frequently in the years ahead. According to the report, that includes enhanced modeling techniques published in the journal Nature Communications, approximately 310 million people who live in low-elevation coastal zones are […]
By Mike Adams
GLOBAL COOLING is coming, and we’re all DOOMED, warned NYT, WashPost, TIME, Cal Tech and the entire MSM throughout the 1970s
If you’ve been suckered into believing the false narrative of man-made “global warming” or “climate change,” you’re probably not old enough to remember the global cooling propaganda fear campaign of the 1970s. (Al Gore is counting on the public having a really short memory, by the way, and he hasn’t been disappointed.) Throughout the 1970s, […]
By Robert Jonathan
Inconvenient reality: Al Gore’s global climate apocalypse never took place… he now says it did but you just couldn’t tell
Environmentalist Al Gore, a.k.a. the climate con man, has a new movie to promote, so he gets to fly on private jets and ride around in gas-guzzling limousines. Maybe he’ll even add a new wing on to his mansion with the profits. The new movie is called An Inconvenient Sequel, a follow-up to An Inconvenient […]
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