News & Articles By Vicki Batts
By Vicki Batts
The entire purpose of tech censorship is to allow fake news media to push totally fabricated hoax stories without being exposed for their lies
The Covington Catholic hoax propagated by the fake news media has underscored just how far the radical left-wing will go to advance their anti-conservative, anti-American agenda. This scandal shows that the media will lie and endanger the lives of innocent teenagers, just to score a few more political brownie points. But this shocking fake news […]
By Vicki Batts
Scott Adams apologizes to high school students after accidentally believing CNN’s fake news… the lesson is NEVER believe the media by default
The mainstream media has wasted no time in launching their slanderous attack against a group of students from Covington Catholic High School, claiming that the students were racist towards minorities at a recent March for Life event. But as we now know, CNN’s version of what happened was entirely fraudulent. The group of angry Native […]
By Vicki Batts
BUSTED: Yet another liberal student caught sending “hate crime” threats to herself… now faces criminal charges
In November, a student at Drake University told administrators she had found multiple racist notes in one of the residence halls. Now, the student in question, 18-year-old Kissie Ram, is being charged with making false reports to law enforcement. It turns out the notes were not the musings of a racist, and were the work of a […]
By Vicki Batts
Disgusting liberals manipulate “gay” penguins to push anti-science LGBT agenda
Penguins are undeniably interesting creatures, with their feather tuxedos and trademark waddle. Recently, gay penguins have been a subject of particular interest — especially now that these “couples” are being given their own eggs to care for. In Sydney, Australia, a pair of male Gentoo penguins named Magic and Sphen have been applauded for “fostering” […]
By Vicki Batts
After all the other climate warning predictions failed to materialize, the IPCC rolls out a whole new, scary “climate apocalypse” warning
The left-wing media has been reporting about imminent climate disaster for decades. It was nearly 20 years ago when the star of climate change, Al Gore, the United Nations and mainstream media first began pushing the narrative that we had just over ten years to “reverse” course and stop climate change from destroying our planet. […]
By Vicki Batts
There is an entire “smear industry” that spends billions to defame and character-assassinate anyone who tells the truth in America
Despite what the liberal-loving media may want you to believe, “fake news” is not a “conservative” phenomenon. The 2016 election saw the term get popularized, but perhaps the best use of the phrase was when President Donald Trump told CNN they were “fake news.” As you might suspect,”fake news” was first a tool of the […]
By Vicki Batts
Has everyone forgotten? The massive “Zika scare” was a fake science HOAX pushed by the entire establishment media… not a single retraction ever published
The Zika virus scare of summers past may have come and gone, but it should not be forgotten. After all, it was one of the greatest hoaxes pushed by the legacy media and their masters ever witnessed. After the initial frenzy died down, stories about the threat of Zika have all but been dropped by […]
By Vicki Batts reveals the truth on all the latest fake news, fake science and other propaganda
Fake news and propaganda is everywhere: Whether you’re talking about vaccines, food, pesticides or politics, the truth is often buried beneath a layer of industry-funded filth. The entire Monsanto corporation and the recent drama surrounding their cancer-causing herbicide is proof of that: The company actually set out to orchestrate public outcry to discredit real science, […]
By Vicki Batts
How the entire mainstream media was SUCKERED by a fraudulent feminist CEO pushing fake science
Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes was, at one time, on top of the world: With her (now disproven) new blood testing tech, she was heralded as a “female Steve Jobs” and the mainstream media simply couldn’t get enough of their new feminist-approved icon. It’s got to be a long, hard fall from such a high pedestal […]
By Vicki Batts
“Climate change” hoax starting to crumble as scientists admit doom projections were totally wrong
Climate change has been presented as an irrefutable fact; a happening that cannot be ignored, with even the slightest change in weather being named a harbinger of imminent disaster. But the truth is that the notion of global warming has always been up for debate — and new science continues to show that the world […]
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