News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
How media fell for a racism sham
Last month, Rachel Richardson—the only black starter on the women’s volleyball team at Duke University—leveled a shocking accusation. She said that during her team’s August 26 match against Brigham Young University, fans inside the BYU arena in Provo, Utah inundated her with racist abuse and threats. (Article Jesse Singal republished from After the match, […]
By News Editors
With ‘governments’ the biggest mass murderers in history, and these commies loving their ‘false flags,’ beware a massive false flag dead ahead to finish the destruction of America
While I made sure to retire to bed early on Thursday night to avoid the election-stealers babbling as if it were itself distributing the plague via the airwaves, a Daily Mail story that Steve Quayle linked to on his website reporting on the ‘Biden babbling‘ summed up what I knew would be coming, with Biden calling President Trump supporters […]
By News Editors
UN recruited over 100,000 ‘digital first responders’ to push establishment COVID narrative
At the height of the pandemic, the United Nations recruited over 100,000 “digital first responders’ to push the establishment narrative on COVID via social media. (Article by Paul Joseph Watson republished from The revelation actually slipped out in October 2020 during a World Economic Forum podcast called ‘Seeking a cure for the infodemic’, although […]
By News Editors
New York Times applauds violent eco-nut tactics to ‘avoid planetary catastrophe’
The New York Times is going all in on radical “climate change.” First, reporter Cara Buckley issued the paper’s latest profile Friday in praise of disruptive eco-nuts: “These Groups Want Disruptive Climate Protests. Oil Heirs Are Funding Them.” (Article by Clay Waters republished from They’ve taken hammers to gas pumps and glued themselves to museum masterpieces and busy […]
By News Editors
Democrats preach about ‘overpopulation,’ but the reality is very different
We have all heard the stories about overpopulation and a looming crisis that it may pose. Many stories say that there are evil people out there who believe it so much that they are actively trying to reduce the population with various forms of policies and even potentially via nefarious means. (Article by Tom Williams republished […]
By News Editors
The big green lie almost everyone claims to believe
Almost every member of Congress, Democrat or Republican, pays homage to the Big Green Lie. So do all the past and remaining Conservative candidates vying to be prime minister of the UK and every candidate currently vying for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada. So does virtually all of the mainstream press. (Article […]
By News Editors
The Russia hoax, COVID cover-up, and a sinking economy – playing chicken with the fates
…The Senate is scheduled to be in recess August 6 to September 6 for politicking back home. Maybe after that Senator Grassley will actually produce his whistleblowers in open session…. (Article by James Howard Kunstler republished from Who is surprised that the US government’s war on the American people is not going any better […]
By News Editors
Russian foreign ministry: Western corporate media and big tech is guilty of “mediacide”
“In effect, the West wants to deprive its people once and for all of the opportunity to critically analyse the flow of news and replace it with monochrome propaganda coverage … They are doing this under the obvious influence of self-hypnosis in their exclusiveness and permissiveness,” Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry, said in […]
By News Editors
Anatomy of a really vile bit of propaganda
Last week at American Thinker, in discussing the Dobbs case, I prophesied, “and if your media sources resemble those I’ve seen, the moral angle will be played to the hilt with stories of exceptional cases being treated as the rule.” (Article by Clarice Feldman republished from How right I was, as the story of a 10-year-old who […]
By News Editors
Oxford college apologizes to Christian advocacy group after canceling them over alleged LGBT ‘hate’
Christian Concern is an advocacy group that seeks to promote Christian values, lobby for the rights of pre-born children, and defend religious liberty. It is also one of the most prominent evangelical organizations in the United Kingdom, with a mailing list of over 43,000 people. Their recent legal interventions include defending a pastor pushed out […]
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