News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
BEWARE: University studies claiming coronavirus deaths won’t exceed 20,000 are tied to communist Chinese propaganda efforts to worsen the spread in America
We are now seeing nearly everyone across independent media declaring the coronavirus pandemic in the United States won’t exceed 20,000 deaths. They are all parroting straight up communist China propaganda that’s been spoon fed to communist-infiltrated universities which are faking the numbers to try to keep America unprepared as the full force of the epidemic […]
By Mike Adams
SCIENCE HOAX: University of Oxford theoretical study claiming “half” the UK already infected with the coronavirus … DEBUNKED
A researcher at the University of Oxford is feeding the pandemic deniers with what a “hoax science” paper that falsely claims half the population in the UK is already be infected with the coronavirus. According to media reports, that same study also falsely claims that only 1 in 10,000 people infected with the coronavirus requires […]
By Mike Adams
BAD MATH ALERT: No, the seasonal flu doesn’t have a 10% fatality rate… it’s actually less than 0.1%… here’s the math
One of the serious problems we are dealing with right now in our world is the fact that pro-Trump publishers and pundits have largely decided the coronavirus is a hoax because acknowledging the existence of the pandemic might hurt Trump, they figure. This delusional thinking is summed up by the new mantra of right-wing denialism: […]
By Mike Adams
Ron Paul says the coronavirus is a HOAX … here’s why he is horribly, dangerously wrong
In a piece entitled, “The Coronavirus Hoax,” which first appeared at the website, American patriot, hero and former congressman Ron Paul argues that the entire reaction to the coronavirus is a grand hoax. It’s all scripted, he explains, to bring in authoritarian government without any real justification, and he implies the virus itself is […]
By Mike Adams
FEDS ran the so-called “white supremacist” group tied to VA Governor’s false claim that gun owners would stage armed assault on capitol in Richmond
As has been long reported by the independent media, so-called “white supremacist” groups are actually run by the FBI, and it was the FBI that masterminded the actions of a group called “The Base,” which provided a pretext for the authoritarian actions of Democrats. In particular, Virginia Gov. Northam invoked the fake threat of this white […]
By Mike Adams
A must-read book: “Hidden History” by Donald Jeffries (also available as an audiobook)
This will be a short post. Events are moving quickly, and I’m filling in for Alex Jones today on his Sunday broadcast while he bullhorns “queen of warmongering” Hillary Clinton in Austin. You can catch that broadcast at starting at 4pm central today. A friend recommended I pick up the book, “Hidden History” by […]
By Mike Adams
ALERT: Antifa puppetmasters to engineer “patriot” slaughter of Leftists to spark violent uprising against conservatives
Antifa is “mobbing up” for an engineered chaos event, according to multiple eyewitness accounts of Antifa activities at public events such as Trump rallies. This coincides with accelerated mainstream media calls for Trump to be removed from power or arrested, along with an explosion in pop culture messaging that calls for Trump to be hogtied, […]
By Mike Adams
There are no real whistleblowers, just deep state operatives trying to pull off a coup before the Brennan / Comey / Clinton crimes explode onto the scene
The lawless, desperate deep state is rolling out a series of so-called “whistleblowers” now, a scheme that appears to have no end in sight since none of these “whistleblowers” need to be named. In the same way that Leftists claim there are 5,000 genders, they can also claim there are 5,000 whistleblowers, even if none […]
By Mike Adams
The imminent collapse of Adam Schiff’s “whistleblower” hoax will devastate Dems in 2020 and beyond
As reported yesterday at Natural News, it looks increasingly likely that Rep. Adam Schiff fabricated the existence of the so-called “whistleblower” and wrote the complaint himself: Adam Schiff may have fabricated the existence of the whistleblower himself, in effect projecting his own complaint onto a fictional persona that he is now going to question in […]
By Mike Adams
Bombshell in the making: Did Adam Schiff pull a Jussie Smollett and FABRICATE the existence of the whistleblower?
Earlier today, President Trump declared that he believes Rep. Adam Schiff wrote the so-called “whistleblower” complaint (see video below). But the official whistleblower complaint story is unraveling by the hour as new facts emerge, pointing to a far more shocking likelihood: That Adam Schiff may have fabricated the existence of the whistleblower himself, in effect […]
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