News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
FACT CHECK: According to alt media in America, if Antifa shoots you dead, you didn’t actually die from the gunshot if you also had an underlying medical condition like diabetes
With the CDC releasing comorbidity numbers on COVID-19 deaths, the alt media in America has just declared that no death counts unless it’s the death of a perfectly healthy individual with zero underlying health conditions. People who died from COVID-19 when they also had high blood pressure, claim indy media outlets, didn’t really die from […]
By Mike Adams
Those who call the coronavirus a “hoax” are making a huge mistake: These twelve questions reveal the TRUTH that no one dare utter
There’s no question that elements of the coronavirus pandemic are being wildly exaggerated by mostly left-leaning mayors, governors and media pundits in order to punish America with economically destructive lockdowns (all in the hope of removing Trump from office, it turns out). We’ve even documented one of the most egregious deception efforts involving the Florida […]
By Mike Adams
NARRATIVE COLLAPSE: “Old man” who was “shoved” by police was actually a left-wing AGITATOR skimming police radio frequencies to run information warfare tactics against law enforcement
As we’re discovering more and more by the day, every narrative pushed by the Left is a fraud. Every “victim” of police brutality, it seems, is a crisis actor. And every viral video that spreads like wildfire across social media turns out to be a lie. The latest example concerns a so-called “old man” who […]
By Mike Adams
George Floyd “death”
Content outdated and removed. #OutdatedRemoved
By Mike Adams
FALSE FLAG ALERT: Obama Foundation tweeted about George Floyd on May 17th, a week before his supposed murder – UPDATE
We have now confirmed that the Obama Foundation was tweeting about George Floyd on May 17th, more than a week before the day Floyd was reportedly killed by police in an act of violence that sparked the worldwide riots we’re all witnessing. George Floyd was killed on May 25th. So what was the Obama Foundation […]
By Mike Adams
LOGIC FAIL: Pandemic denialists who claim hospitals are being paid to fake covid-19 deaths can’t explain why reported deaths are dramatically FALLING after 7 weeks of lockdowns
You’ve probably heard the bizarre claim that hospitals are faking all the covid-19 deaths because they’re being rewarded with extra compensation from Medicare. No one is really dying from coronavirus, the deniers claim, and all the official death figures are simply counting people who would have died anyway, they say. But there are two glaring […]
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL: Wall Street Journal caught running a Monsanto-style FAKE SCIENCE scam with Stanford researchers to mislead America over coronavirus infections
Before Bayer acquired Monsanto, the GMO giant had a reputation for faking the science and either bribing or threatening journalists to run stories touting its fake science, usually to claim GMOs were safe or that glyphosate was harmless. Monsanto would fund its own slanted studies — often by bribing universities with grant money — then […]
By Mike Adams
Michael Savage and the Health Ranger both blast scientific illiteracy of conservative media in coronavirus coverage
For the last two months, I’ve been fighting scientific illiteracy among the pro-Trump, “conservative” independent media, highlighting the extraordinary examples of bad math and deceptive, biased reporting by numerous conservative pundits and radio hosts who are spreading dangerously bad disinformation about the coronavirus pandemic. It turns out I’m not alone. Conservative radio host Michael Savage, […]
By Mike Adams
Pandemic DENIALISTS are playing right into the hands of the globalists, causing more deaths, longer lockdowns and mandatory vaccines
The pro-liberty independent media is running a dangerous gambit, almost universally claiming the coronavirus is a hoax while insisting that all the deaths in all the hospitals around the world are being faked by a conspiracy network of 100,000+ doctors and coroners who they say are altering death certificates to shift death statistics to covid-19. […]
By Mike Adams
New brain-damaging disease “Stupid-19” makes people think the coronavirus is a HOAX
The independent media has been afflicted with a dangerous new contagion that I’m calling “Stupid-19.” It’s characterized by people who believe viruses aren’t real and that, in their view, all the covid-19 deaths around the globe have been faked in order to trick the public. Conspiracy analyst David Icke has now emerged as the poster […]
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