News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
The ten false fears of the unhinged left that have transformed once-productive citizens into quivering mounds of Trump-a-noia
Like many Americans, I’ve watch the bizarre anti-Trump “women’s march” events and wildly dishonest media coverage over the last few days with a sense of amusement. What’s remarkable about everything being voiced by the unhinged left these days is that none of it has any basis in fact or reason. The “war on women” doesn’t […]
By Mike Adams
WINNING: Ten highly effective ways President Trump and Kellyanne Conway can win the war against the dishonest, America-hating left-wing news cartels
(Natural News) It’s time to stop the left-wing media’s incessant “fake news” lying and its deliberate acts of “journo-terrorism” that seek to undermine America. Here are 10 fantastic ideas for the Trump administration to de-legitimize the lying left-wing media while promoting the independent media and all the whistle blowers inside federal agencies who are ready […]
By Mike Adams
Why the truth is vilified (and lies are celebrated) everywhere across our twisted society
Have you noticed how people who tell the truth are vilified by pop culture and the media while those who lie and deceive are routinely celebrated? Almost without exception, those individuals who are celebrated by mainstream media and pop culture are the most deceptive, destructive and dishonest people in society. At the same time, anyone […]
By Mike Adams
How 4chan trolled the CIA, CNN and BuzzFeed with hilarious fantasy that got reported as real news (infographic)
(See INFOGRAPHIC below) From CNN and BuzzFeed just hit a whole new low as the world’s dirtiest “sleaze journalism” rags after being caught publishing erotic fanfiction fantasies as “CIA intelligence facts” to attack Donald Trump. The revelations are astonishing and deeply damning to CNN and BuzzFeed, both of which utterly abandoned the most basic […]
By Mike Adams
CNN, BuzzFeed caught running fanfiction erotica message board fantasies as “intelligence dossier” to slander Trump… “an absolute disgrace” says President-elect
BREAKING STORY… check back often for updates… CNN and BuzzFeed just hit a whole new low as the world’s dirtiest “sleaze journalism” rags after being caught publishing erotic fanfiction fantasies as “CIA intelligence facts” to attack Donald Trump. The revelations are astonishing and deeply damning to CNN and BuzzFeed, both of which utterly abandoned the […]
By Mike Adams
Evidence points to Ft. Lauderdale shooter being “Jason Bourned” with mind altering psychiatric drugs and ISIS video indoctrination by U.S. intelligence operatives
Content outdated and removed. #OutdatedRemoved
By Mike Adams
Tour de FARCE: US Intel report on Russian “interference” a hilarious parade of paranoia politics… zero evidence… just rehashed delusional conspiracy theories
We really have reached the point where everything that’s run by the political left has devolved into a parade of delusional paranoia. Whether it’s man-made “climate change,” the purely imagined “KKK hate crimes” epidemic, or the hilarious delusional conspiracy theory about Russians “hacking the election,” everything the left has come up with in recent memory […]
By Mike Adams
Washington Post can’t stop faking the news: U.S. electrical grid “penetration” story a complete fabrication
In a desperate effort to discredit Donald Trump and create mass hysteria across America’s gullible left, the Washington Post has, for the last several months, deliberately engaged in a shameless campaign of fabricating fake news stories. Even as each story is proven to be based on pure fiction, the Washington Post rolls out yet more […]
By Mike Adams
Mariah Carey’s voice box was hacked by the Russians! (satire)
In addition to hacking the 2016 election, the Russians also hacked Mariah Carey’s voice on New Year’s Eve, causing her to be unable to sing. Amazingly, they also hacked the real-time music track to make it seem like she was somehow still singing. Wow. The Russians are really good hackers. Carey’s New Year’s Eve performance […]
By Mike Adams
Racism RIGGED by A&E: KKK “documentary” was entirely scripted; A&E provided Nazi flags and wooden crosses to burn; actors paid cash to say “ni@@er” on camera
The KKK is the boogeyman of the paranoid left. But the dirty little secret about the KKK is that it was founded by and run by Democrats, not Republicans. Nearly all the top KKK founders, leaders and grand dragon masters (or whatever they’re called) were Democrats, and it’s those same Democrats that pushed gun control […]
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