News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Left-wing media’s smear of high school students who were harassed by Native American activist proves yet again that mainstream media is FAKE NEWS
Now that there’s no denying that the Covington Catholic High School boys falsely accused of harassing and taunting a Native American elder during the “March for Life” event in Washington, D.C., were actually the victims of such from not only the elder in question but also a group of racist, anti-white black supremacists, many people […]
By Ethan Huff
INSANE CNN reporter now claims Covington students’ HAND gestures screamed “ni##er” when no such words were uttered… desperate media now fabricating everything they report
Now that the mainstream media’s Covington Catholic High School hoax has been completely debunked as fake news, fake news ringleader CNN is trying another desperate approach, claiming that hand gestures one of its reporters observed in video footage of the incident were somehow code for the word “ni##er,” which in turn proves, according to CNN, […]
By Ethan Huff
America’s major media outlets are now making up EVERYTHING they report… four huge media hoaxes blow up in their faces
We’re not even through the month of January, and the mainstream media has already been caught in at least four fake news reporting scandals thus far this year – most recently and notably the Covington High School fiasco at the Lincoln Memorial. Even as they whine and moan about being called fake news, fake news […]
By Ethan Huff
Catholic leaders dump all over their own youth to appease the lunatic Left… the truth no longer matters to the Church
Not to be outdone by all the brain-dead celebrities and zombie media pundits spreading endless fake news, a slew of Catholic clergy from all across the country has reportedly come out, one after another in lockstep, to condemn the Covington Catholic High School boys who are being falsely accused of taunting a Native American elder […]
By Ethan Huff
Scientific study of fake news RETRACTED because it was found to be fake science
In yet another embarrassing and ironic example of fake science going viral, a study published last year in the Journal of Human Behavior that claimed too many people these days are spreading fake news on social media was recently retracted after it was discovered that the paper contained fake data, presumably aimed at perpetuating the […]
By Ethan Huff
Democrat false flag operatives caught running fake social media campaigns to discourage conservatives from voting
A former official under the Obama regime has been outed for running a massive social media disinformation campaign that involved embedding fake news all over Facebook in order to discourage conservatives from voting in the 2018 midterm elections. Mikey Dickerson of American Engagement Technologies (AET) reportedly headed up a team of secret Democratic operatives, The […]
By Ethan Huff
2018 was the year that climate change scare stories all fell apart… see the list of debunked climate hoaxes
Climate change fanatics are constantly railing on about how “climate deniers” refuse to acknowledge some ever-elusive consortium of sound climate science. But if the many climate narrative debacles that occurred in 2018 are any indication, it’s actually the global warming hysterics who’ve buried their heads in pseudoscientific denialism concerning the state of our planet. The […]
By Ethan Huff
Did you FALL for that heartwarming “homeless man” story? The entire thing was complete fiction… three now facing criminal charges
A New Jersey couple that started a GoFundMe page to raise money for an alleged homeless man is facing criminal charges – as is the “homeless” man – after it was revealed that the entire thing was fake, and completely made-up to steal people’s hard-earned cash. Mark D’Amico and Kate McClure, the couple in question, […]
By Ethan Huff
Long lost footage shows WTC Building 7 falling in its own footprint following multiple demolition-style explosions – watch at
It’s officially been 17 years (and a few days) since the World Trade Center twin towers were attacked and destroyed on September 11, 2001. And while the world is constantly being told to “never forget” the horrors that took place on that fateful day, there is something that the authorities would rather have us all […]
By Ethan Huff
New revelations show the “alt right” was created by the radical Left as “controlled opposition”
Radical leftists haven’t stopped railing against the so-called “alt right,” an extreme vein of conservatism that’s often accused of harboring racists, ever since Donald Trump was elected president. But new evidence recently uncovered by author and scholar Dinesh D’Souza suggests that the “alt right” is nothing more than “controlled opposition” concocted by the Left to […]
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