News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Court decision just slapped down Michael Mann and his fake global warming hockey stick
A judge has thrown out a lawsuit filed by Penn State University (PSU) climatologist Michael Mann, creator of the infamous “hockey stick” graph commonly used by climate apologists to back the global warming hoax. For criticizing this graph, which has repeatedly been exposed as a total fraud, Dr. Tim Ball became one of Mann’s legal […]
By Ethan Huff
As the Obamas purchase a lavish, beach-front estate in Martha’s Vineyard many are asking: What happened to their claim that ocean levels are rising?
Barack and Michelle Obama have announced that they recently purchased a massive, 29-acre, beach-front estate in Martha’s Vineyard for a cool $15 million, proving once again that the same libtards who never shut up about “global warming” and “climate change” don’t actually practice, or believe, what they preach. Were the Obamas truly concerned about ocean […]
By Ethan Huff
Amazon fires nothing but another hysterical scare story from the fake news media; in truth, the number of fires is FALLING
By now, you have probably encountered at least one or two headlines from the mainstream media warning about the allegedly out-of-control fires that are supposedly devastating the Amazon rainforests of South America. But there is just one problem: Most of these fires are completely normal, and occur every single year as part of controlled agricultural […]
By Ethan Huff
Harvard study finds that wind turbines create MORE global warming than the fossil fuels they eliminate – and the same is true for scooters and electric cars
Researchers from Harvard University have made an interesting and hilarious discovery with regards to wind power, which actually causes more global warming than the burning of fossil fuels does. While massive wind farms are said by some to be the “renewable” energy source of the future, two Harvard scientists have found that the spinning blades […]
By Ethan Huff
Progressives claim “my truth” trumps reality… sheer delusion is now labeled “fact”
The mainstream media and academia are heavily pushing the idea these days that all truth is relative. What’s true for you may not be true for me is the philosophy of the day, which might make some people feel good about themselves and what they believe, but does this type of thinking actually reflect reality? […]
By Ethan Huff
So-called “manifesto” of El Paso shooter was NOT uploaded to 8chan by the alleged shooter, warns 8chan owner
Jim Watkins, the owner of the anonymous message board 8chan, wants to set the record straight with regard to the recent shooting spree that was reported by the mainstream media as having occurred in El Paso, Texas. Despite being targeted by the mainstream media, tech companies, and the rabid left for allegedly hosting the “manifesto,” […]
By Ethan Huff
PROOF that NASA is faking global temperature data to push the false “global warming” science fraud
No, the planet isn’t warming, and here’s why: A handful of climate lunatics has actually been altering global temperature data in secret to make it seem like the outdoor thermostat has been rising over the years, when in fact the exact opposite is true. As part of what some are describing as “The Greatest Scientific […]
By Ethan Huff
Gay Democrat who claimed to have removed 77 bullets from bodies of Pulse Nightclub shooting now admits it never happened… she made it all up: What else are Dems faking?
A lesbian leftist who previously told the media that she was a doctor who helped remove bullets from the alleged victims of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, has since come forward to confess that she made the whole thing up for attention. Elizabeth McCarthy, an LGBTQP Democrat and former candidate for the Florida […]
By Ethan Huff
FBI called in to investigate “hate crime” noose that turned out to just be a fishing knot… Leftists are hallucinating HATE CRIMES everywhere they look
Liberals have become so wound up and paranoid over the idea of racism hiding under every rock that a handful of them from the University of Michigan (UoM) reportedly called campus police recently over a piece of innocuous rope they stumbled upon, which they immediately assumed was a noose like the kind used to lynch […]
By Ethan Huff
Study confirms that man-made climate change is completely fake (so much for consensus…)
Just how much of a threat to the subsistence of our planet is man-made climate change, according to the latest scientific data? It’s not actually a threat at all, it turns out, because man-made climate change doesn’t exist. This is the conclusion of a new study out of Finland, in which researchers from the University […]
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