News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Climate change scientists LIE about everything by cherry picking different time windows for every study, graph or news announcement
The theory of man-made climate change only makes sense if you tweak the timelines around to say what you want them to say. This is what the climate lobby does every single day by claiming that the world is getting hotter, or that arctic ice is melting, neither of which is true if you look […]
By Ethan Huff
President Trump says Big Pharma could be driving impeachment hoax
During a recent interview, President Donald Trump made the bold suggestion that the pharmaceutical industry might be a culprit in this latest impeachment “inquiry” hoax. While discussing his administration’s continued efforts to lower drug prices for Americans, Trump stated that “it’s not easy” because Big Pharma is notorious for attacking its opponents “from all different […]
By Ethan Huff
Real scientists declare: There is no climate emergency
Climate lunatics everywhere are falling all over themselves in adoration of Greta Thunberg, the climate kid who’s being hailed as some kind of progressive environmental hero for whining about global warming at the United Nations. But adult scientists who actually know what they’re talking about disagree with everything she’s saying, and contend that there’s no […]
By Ethan Huff
“Eat the babies” troll comment at AOC town hall proves that it’s now impossible to tell the difference between real leftists and fake plants
It has now been revealed that the crazy woman who told Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) at a recent town hall event in Queens that we all need to “eat the babies” in order to save the planet from climate change was, in fact, a fake plant sent by a pro-Trump group to troll the junior congresswoman. […]
By Ethan Huff
The Greta Thunberg phenomenon is nothing but a money-making scheme set up by her handlers to profit from climate hysteria
Many Americans are scratching their heads trying to figure out what’s up with this Greta Thunberg child, including how she was able to quickly rise to prominence as the newest mouthpiece promoting the climate change hoax. Well, the answer is simple: Greta is a pawn of the global climate mafia, which we know is all […]
By Ethan Huff
Remember the dog sled picture the media claimed was proof of melting glaciers? It was another climate hysteria HOAX
One by one, various climate hoaxes continue to be exposed as the fake news they’ve always been, including the below photo of what appears to be sled dogs running across a patch of melted glacier in Greenland. The above photo, which has been heavily circulating recently as “evidence” that global warming is melting the polar […]
By Ethan Huff
It’s all a scam: Al Gore a major investor in fake meat company while pushing fake climate science scare over real meat
The political establishment has taken to bashing meat in its latest installment of Climate Propaganda 2019, with the Democratic contenders for the presidency all basically suggesting that it might be time for the government to restrict meat-eating in order to save the planet from climate change. And wouldn’t you know it, but none other than […]
By Ethan Huff
Breitbart falls for fake news, falsely reports “anti-vaxxer” threw “menstrual blood” on California Senators… but that’s a lie
The mainstream media has been reporting that an “anti-vaxxer” from California allegedly threw a cup of menstrual blood from the gallery of the Sacramento statehouse down onto state senators during a recent hearing about medical vaccine exemptions, which Sen. Scott Weiner, a Democrat, quickly pegged as “evidence” that “anti-vaxxers are engaging in criminal behavior.” But […]
By Ethan Huff
Left-wing media falls for fake science “Trump rally violence” narrative that just got completely debunked by two Ph.D. students
Back in March, the left-wing news website Vox made the brazen claim that hate crimes have supposedly increased by 226 percent in counties where Donald Trump held campaign rallies. But a pair of Ph.D. students from Harvard University recently debunked that claim, exposing the alleged “study” that was used to back it as being methodologically […]
By Ethan Huff
The polar bear narrative of the climate cultists is about to implode: Polar bears are OVERPOPULATED
An iconic symbol of the global warming narrative, the lowly polar bear is often portrayed by the media as an endangered species that increasingly has no natural habitat in which to live, thanks to the alleged melting of the polar ice caps. But new reports suggest that we’ve all been lied to about this, as […]
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