09/16/2021 / By News Editors
Previous articles suggested that those who closely follow the U.S. government’s actions on the COVID-19 pandemic may be interested in the federal laws which govern pandemic preparedness. Multiple laws describe who has the federal authority to do what to prepare for pandemics, catastrophic events, and “all hazards.”
(Article by Robert L. Kinney III republished from LifeSiteNews.com)
This is an important distinction: not only are there laws which govern what the U.S. federal government may do during a real pandemic or catastrophic event, but there are also laws governing authority to prepare for a pandemic.
Some of these laws are found in the Public Health Service Act, which has been amended multiple times. Recent articles have explained some of those amendments. The most recent article discussed that in 2019, only a few months before the reported outbreak of COVID-19, the Public Health Service Act was amended by what was called the “Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019’’ (henceforth referred to as the “Pandemic Act of 2019”), which was passed on June 24, 2019.
U.S. pandemic and “all hazards” preparedness laws and directives give authority to an individual known as the “Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response” (ASPR) to “carry out drills and operational exercises” in coordination with U.S. government departments like the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, the Department of Justice (which includes the FBI), and several others.
A previous article discussed how the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022 has as a preparedness objective to “Convene a Unified, National Response and Recovery to Public Health Emergencies and Disasters;” an explanation of that sub-objective then proceeds to discuss preparedness “exercises.” (Pages 1 and 10) The use of the word “convene” is interesting because in other U.S. federal government documents, it is used as a directive or to denote the intention of a future action. The previous article suggested that the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022 could be interpreted to be saying that a national pandemic exercise could be “convened” sometime after the release of the Strategy, which was in early 2019.
This article explains that upon further study, one finds even more support for the claim that the U.S. government may have had as an objective to “convene” a realistic (but falsified) national pandemic exercise (other terminology for this type of exercise might be “hoax,” “false flag operation,” ruse, ploy, or strategic deception). Some of the support is found in U.S. federal laws governing the Department of Homeland Security/FEMA’s preparedness national exercises.
Again, the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022 was released in early 2019. It is a document required by U.S. laws, making it a type of pandemic preparedness legal document.
And while it may seem trivial, this point needs to be emphasized: U.S. pandemic laws state that “preparedness” may be evaluated with “operational exercises;” national pandemic preparedness, therefore, may be evaluated with a national pandemic exercise.
When U.S. pandemic or “all hazards” laws discuss “preparedness,” most, if not all, imply the possibility of evaluating, or “validating,” this preparedness with realistic exercises. This point will be elaborated on in a moment.
In the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022, the first objective is written as “Objective 1: Prepare, Mobilize, and Coordinate a Whole-of-Government Approach” to public health emergencies, which includes pandemics. (Page 9) Thus, the first objective is “preparing…an approach.” This also needs to be emphasized: “preparing…an approach” is not the same as responding to a real pandemic.
It is important to emphasize that subtle point, because included within the objective to prepare an approach is the following sub-objective: “Convene a Unified, National Response and Recovery to Public Health Emergencies and Disasters.” (Page 10) The specific part of the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022 in question is as follows:
Convene a Unified, National Response and Recovery to Public Health Emergencies and Disasters
ASPR, in coordination with HHS and Federal partners, leads the nation’s public health and medical preparedness and response and its health and social services recovery efforts, as delegated by Emergency Support Function #8, and the Health and Social Services Recovery Support Function. These efforts provide unified national leadership and guidance to public health and health care stakeholders before, during, and after disasters. We recognize that SLTT stakeholders are on the front line during response and may need timely and appropriate Federal support to augment their resources and capacity. Therefore, it is critical to improve situational awareness and coordination across the Federal interagency and with regional and SLTT partners.
In addition, we will continue work with international partners to make sure our preparedness and response efforts are aligned with those of the global community. We will sustain efforts to organize, train, equip, and exercise response capabilities. We will identify health care readiness standards to assess coalition readiness status and ensure exercises test system resilience against routine and catastrophic threats. (Page 10; emphasis added)
Thus, the objective of preparing for pandemics includes the sub-objective to “convene a unified, national response and recovery….” And the explanation of the sub-objective to “convene a unified, national response and recovery…” concludes by describing the U.S. government’s intent to “exercise response capabilities” with “exercises” which “test system resilience against routine and catastrophic threats.”
Again, the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022 is a type of legal document; and as it is written, it can be read to subtly mention that part of the preparation objective is to convene a response and recovery exercise. (It is important to know that the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA’s National Preparedness includes a National Exercise Program; one type of exercise which has been done in the past is titled a “response and recovery exercise.”)
The National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022 (NHSS) states that it aligns with the Department of Homeland Security’s FEMA:
The NHSS aligns with and supports national strategies such as the National Security, Defense, and Biodefense Strategies…Furthermore, the NHSS aligns with the National Preparedness Goal and its associated frameworks such as the National Mitigation Framework, the National Response Framework, and the National Disaster Recovery Framework. (Page 3, emphasis added)
The “National Preparedness Goal and its associated frameworks” is also governed by U.S. federal laws. The phrase includes “disease pandemics.”
This may also be a big deal: included within the “associated frameworks” for “the National Preparedness Goal” is National Full-Scale Exercises which evaluate preparedness. These National Level Exercises are governed by U.S. federal laws as well. The federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is a part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is involved with performing these exercises. U.S. federal law includes the following:
the Administrator [of FEMA], in coordination with the heads of appropriate Federal agencies…shall carry out a national exercise program to test and evaluate the national preparedness goal, National Incident Management System, National Response Plan, and other related plans and strategies. (6 U.S. Code § 748ff, emphasis added)
Remember, separate U.S. pandemic laws inform the ASPR to “carry out drills and operational exercises, in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security…and other applicable Federal departments.” Thus, the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022 apparently falls under the category of U.S. laws governing the “national exercise program to test and evaluate the national preparedness goal.”
The U.S. federal law further explains:
The national exercise program…shall be…as realistic as practicable, based on current risk assessments, including credible and emerging threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences, and designed to stress the national preparedness system; designed, as practicable, to simulate the partial or complete incapacitation of a State, local, or tribal government; carried out, as appropriate, with a minimum degree of notice to involved parties regarding the timing and details of such exercises, consistent with safety considerations… (6 U.S. Code § 748ff, emphasis added; lettering and numbering omitted for ease of reading)
The U.S. federal law proceeds by explaining “National Level Exercises:”
The Administrator shall periodically, but not less than biennially, perform national exercises for the following purposes: … To test and evaluate the readiness of Federal, State, local, and tribal governments to respond and recover in a coordinated and unified manner to catastrophic incidents. (6 U.S. Code § 748ff, emphasis added)
The law states that a “national level exercise” could be “performed,” but it also could be “convened.” The definitions section of this chapter of U.S. federal law never explicitly defines “exercise,” “national exercise,” or “national level exercise.” (120 STAT. 1424) But within the above law, an implied definition to “national level exercises” is “realistic” tests or evaluations of “readiness to respond and recover in a coordinated and unified manner to catastrophic incidents.”
Interestingly, the language in the U.S. law describing national exercises which “evaluate the readiness to respond and recover in a coordinated and unified manner to catastrophic incidents” is very similar to the language used in the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022 which is shortened here to show the similarities:
Convene a Unified, National Response and Recovery…
We will…exercise response capabilities. We will identify…readiness standards to assess coalition readiness status and ensure exercises test system resilience against routine and catastrophic threats. (Page 10)
Now, when communicating, there is more than one way to say the same thing; one could say, “I am going to exercise.” Or one could instead use a definition of exercise and say, “I am going to engage in physical activity to sustain or improve health and fitness.”
Similarly, the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022 may possibly somewhat cunningly, but potentially in attempt to provide legal cover and remain somewhat secretive, use the definition of “national level exercise” to provide in writing the intent to convene a future national response and recovery exercise.
In other words, the authors of the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022 would be writing pretty much the same thing if they wrote that a preparedness objective is to “convene a national level pandemic exercise” or that a preparedness objective is to
convene a national, unified response and recovery…which tests and evaluates the readiness…to respond and recover in a coordinated and unified manner to catastrophic incidents.
And in this scenario, the national level exercise may be a falsified pandemic, COVID-19. If, again the emphasis is on if, U.S. government public health officials and politicians decided to plan a national and international pandemic “exercise,” the persons involved would probably want to legally cover themselves as much as possible.
It is not clear what the legal effect would be, but the National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022 could be read as such an attempt at legally covering participants in a somewhat cunning way. (Other politicians and government officials may retire and/or resign rather than participate in such deception as a falsified pandemic. There were multiple significant retirements and resignations in U.S. government positions before COVID-19, which may or may not be coincidental).
Now, space does not permit much further discussion, but it should be noted that the “national exercise program” may include entirely classified preparedness exercises:
Most NEP [National Exercise Plan] cycles include exercises that are either classified or include a classified component … Specific procedures and special considerations for conducting classified exercises are included in NEP supporting documentation. The NEP will aim to downgrade and share unclassified findings from these exercises with the interagency to the maximum extent practical. (Page 11)
This suggests that the U.S. federal government does indeed carry out covert, secretive catastrophic and realistic exercises to evaluate preparedness in the United States. And if they remain classified, then most Americans will never know which “catastrophic events” were real, and which ones were falsified exercises.
‘National Level’ COVID-19 exercise?
There is more. As mentioned in the U.S. federal laws above, every two years the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA conduct a major “National Level Exercise” regarding a “catastrophic event” (and remember, U.S. laws require these to be “as realistic as practicable”). The year 2020 was a scheduled year for FEMA’s major National Level Exercise. According to FEMA, the supposed planned National Level Exercise for 2020 was a “cyber attack;” of course, after the reported COVID-19 outbreak, FEMA’s top priority in 2020 became responding to COVID-19.
This is interesting because FEMA had already performed a “cyber attack” major National Level Exercise in 2012. The point here is that it seems unreasonable for a major National Level Exercise which only occurs every 2 years to be nearly identical as a previous exercise – especially since leading up to 2020 there was an increased activity in the U.S. federal government regarding “biodefense,” “health security,” and similar topics. Maybe it is only coincidental that COVID-19 occurred during FEMA’s planned year for a major National Level Exercise?
(It is a bit of a tangent, but many people may also like to know that previous realistic National Level Exercises, some which may have been classified/covert, also involved power outages. The U.S. federal, and potentially local, government’s legal authority to conduct national, regional, or local “realistic exercises” could clearly be a threat to the freedoms that America was founded on. Surely corrupt government officials wouldn’t conduct a realistic “exercise” of a riot at the U.S. Capitol building, would they? Or how about a realistic U.S. National Level “exercise” involving a fraudulent Presidential Election? When liberals need a crisis to “fundamentally transform America,” all they would have to do is falsify a crisis, call it an “exercise,” and classify the information so it is never discovered).
The aforementioned material provides additional support for the suggestion that COVID-19 may be partially or completely falsified. And, believe it or not, there is still more information which supports that claim, but that information will not be provided here.
Read more at: LifeSiteNews.com and Pandemic.news.
Tagged Under:
big government, conspiracy, coronavirus, covid-19, deception, disaster, faked, false-flag, hoax, infections, lies, outbreak, pandemic, pandemic response, preparedness
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